>Shopaholic and me?

>You’ve got to be kidding! What makes you think I would be one?

• That I never seem to repeat my clothes and therefore buy more clothes?
• That when I can’t find a reason to buy things for myself, I find reasons to buy them for others?
• That I do not remember the clothes I have?
• That my shoe closet is spilling over and that my shoes now have to crawl their way into The Guy’s shoe rack?
• That I buy clothes not because I need them but because they need to be with me?
• That I can’t get over a sale?
• That I realised there’s more to bags than bags that you carry to work – like clutches and totes and travel bags and some more clutches?
• That since I travel frequently, I need to shop before every trip? Every place is different and has different wardrobe requirements.
• That I buy silk sarees in the middle of summer because I’m in Benaras and can’t come home without ’em sarees?
• That when I’m in Bombay I can’t come home without shopping for clothes, bags, shoes and such stuff that I can get only in Bombay?
• That when I’m in Goa, I must dress up like those tourists and therefore buy cheap cotton shirt dresses that I can never wear back home?
• That when I’m in Nainital, I have to raid the Tibetan market to find the most comfortable piece of nightwear I don’t need?
• That when I buy a dress, I need to also buy accessories that go with it?
• That my husband will not let me enter a crockery store because I may hoard more glasses, plates and platters for home?
• That I miss Delhi because I need to go binge shopping instead of just random shopping?
• That I genuinely do not have any more space in those stuffed to capacity drawers in my wardrobe?
• That I will make my husband and father shop because there’s an offer at the store that says free shopping for women for the amount that men shop?
• That I think it’s nice to have a choice of shower gels and different scrubs for different parts of my body in the bathroom?
• That when I feel low, I think a stroll in the mall can make me feel better?
• That I do not feel guilty for any of it?

Oh, come on, which one of those things do you think makes me a shopaholic?

36 responses »

  1. >Honestly none of them :DEach and every point is a valid reason to shop. To not do so would be almost blasphemous. Who in their right mind misses a good sale?

  2. >whats that? shopaholic… na….i was nodding to everything and no i am not a shopaholic apart from "That I will make my husband and father shop because there’s an offer at the store that says free shopping for women for the amount that men shop?"i just cant seem to make my hubby shop sigh

  3. >NO no, not one bit..this is embedded in most of us (women?)…so much a part of my existence and then some people just need more things :)Thanks, like you posts.

  4. >Nope, none of them at all… Not one… So sir, absolutely not.All of the above just make you absolutely "well-off"!That I buy clothes not because I need them but because they need to be with me?I'm sorry but I'm going to be using that line at several occasions, in various forms, in the future. Usually for when I want something very badly.

  5. >none of these…just when u have time spare a thought over the few lines by Nida Faazli:छोटा बच्चा देख के बोला मस्जिद आलिशान,अल्लाह तेरे एक को इतना बड़ा मकान!अंदर मूरत पर चढ़े फल, फूल और मिष्ठान्नमंदिर क बहार खडा इश्वर मांगे दान…

  6. >None of 'em. All of those things speak a completely different story. Including pictures of said shoes crawling into The Guy's shoe rack etc wouldn't have been a bad idea! Would have further strengthened your case against the shopaholic tag. 😉

  7. >Ummm all of the above….anyway i do alot of the aforementioned stuff too :PWhich i gess does make me a shopaholic though I refused to be calld one and take irreparable umbrage at tht. I just enjoy shopping 😛

  8. >@Annie: 🙂 That makes two of us!@Anamika: 🙂 Thank you for saying that! I was beginning to feel guilty ;)@Blogeswari: LOL! Thank God you didn't say how did I manage to read your mind!@Monika: Awwww… Thankfully, The Guy is so patient when it comes to indulging my shopping fancies.@Maria: Yeah, some people just need more things than others. Doesn't make them shopaholics, does it?!@Anon: Yes, Carrie Bradshaw without the Jimmy Choos and Louboutins :(@unsung: 🙂 That's one way of seeing it.

  9. >@With Malice: Is that related to my post by any chance?@purely narcotic: LOL… I have a feeling you have your tongue firmly in cheek while saying that ;)@Goofy: Oh? I am? What makes you think so? ;)@Anon: I'm sorry, I didn't quite get what was supposed to come after the ellipsis…@IHM: You guys are so wonderful! Thanks for humouring me :)@Soulmate: Et tu?@SMM: Yes, I firmly believe I'm not a shopaholic, I'm just an avid shopped :P@Meira: LOL!

  10. >@Monika, Ansh: You know what, I felt might guilty right after put all that down in black and white!@Mama-Mia: :P@Meira: Picked it up. Thank you!

  11. >the comment was supposed to read "No D, you are definitely NOT a shopaholic, and this post just convinces me of that. 😉 But seriously, I am so part of your club!". But I messed it up…. this is what happens when the eyes need it, but i refuse to sleep or wear my spects!

  12. >@Goofy: Or it's a Freudian slip of tongue (through the keyboard) ;)@Shilpa: There's such finality in that 'none'. I have no doubts now.@Piper: Why the smileys then? 🙂 🙂

  13. >@Solilo: Oh yes! I had an awesome time 🙂 Thank you!@J: It sure does!@Sangfroid: 😦 Why would you say something like that?!@writerzblock: 😉 Cathartic, was it?

  14. >Shopaholic?? No no no no no no.Hmmmm. Really, NO. No way.You see how hard I'm trying to convince myself too because I fit all the categories that you mentioned! Sigh.

  15. >*runs across blogosphere to shake hands* 😀 You a lady after my own heart! We're not addicts! We're saving on the pennies by going to sales! You have a nice husband, btw. He accompanies you to sales??!!!

  16. >@Miss M: LOL! @Sangfroid: I know! These are the confessions of a shopaholic!@JLT: *Shakes hands* Yes, I can blackmail him to accompany me to a lot of shopping!

  17. >I think I am an anomaly in 'female' gender,I hate hate shopping,apart from books I do not voluntarily like to shop,because after shopping I feel resentful.But when in bookstore my brain goes literally haywire…:-)

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